The CoachLab® programme is a skills development programme managed by The Innovation Hub in collaboration with prominent industry partners, government and academia. Since inception the programme has provided skills training for over 897 graduates. In the 2019/2020 financial year, the CoachLab® programme placed nine (13) IT graduates from the Tshwane University of Technology in SITA for workplace-based training and experience in the form of Internships.
Potego Seakoana, a beneficiary of the CoachLab® programme 2019/2020 added that The CoachLab® programme gave him the opportunity to gain soft skills, attend networking events and the experience of creating an app for SITA with his CoachLab® colleagues. “One of my highlights while in the programme was attending the GovTech 2019.
The Government Technology (GovTech) conference has remained steadfast and true to its philosophy to adopt new and innovative ways of serving citizens and delivering services including the use of ICT technologies.
The CoachLab beneficiaries were excited to not only have attended the conference but were inspired by the theme of the GovTech2019; Digital Transformation – Gearing towards 4IR and beyond. This was a calling on all the attendants to leave no stone untured in the 4IR National Development Plan Vision 2030. These beneficiaries included Audrey Baloyi, Khumo Sebogo, Mafori Mashaba, Micheal Nkoana, Mpho Moela, Nketso Mathaba, Shandukani Netwamonde, Temusho Sakwane who have been absorbed into the workplace by SITA.
"I’ve always had a passion for new technology and how technology improves our everyday life, we have seen the need to innovate and come up with new technologies especially during Covid-19 while being forced to look at the future of work and working remotely . Doing IT in high school paved the way for me to continue and follow my passion". - Mpho Moela
The Innovation Hub Skills development programmes pride itself for the financial year 2019/20 pertaining the graduates who have secured employment.
The Skills Development programmes are categorised in two: CoachLab and Internship programme and of the 100-youth recruited in 2019/20, we are confident to report as follows:
75 graduates have secured employment in the following companies:
3 - Self-employed (started own businesses)